Key Point 11
Yes. I think NOTA should be given as an option. Most games elect candidates of their choice (for example) a relative of a member, or someone who has an influence on the match rather than looking at your character and seeing if appropriate and responsible candidate.These candidates once elected not meet public demands, but start filling their pockets.
NOTA think may be a strong voice for people to show their aversion inadequate and corrupt candidate. It will be a blow to political parties and make them true select and responsible for choosing candidates.
A bar should be kept to minimum vote Note, so that if the minimum
the number then all candidates should be discarded was reached. This will help in raising legitimate candidates who want to serve the people.
Key Point 12
Hello everyone.
In my view NOTA choice is correct because it is very useful for know the voters are corrupt. The% age increase is NOTA know the wrong candidates are standing there. So it's good to
have NOTA on selection.
Key Point 13
NOTA In my opinion should be there.
Today it is difficult to find uncorrupted, transparent leader it will work for people. So the choice that we will not choose a bad person as our leader. So it is our duty to choose a transparent, without corruption, centered personality as our leader and our duty.
Key Point 14
I agree with some of my friend who NOTA is one of the facilities allowing everyone to go with a fair electoral process. Choose one eligible candidate who can work to improve society. And finally, NOTA I would say that is not just an option but it is our voice EVM against criminalization.----
Key Point 15
Hello friend.EVM'S NOTA option is very useful for our country. Nowadays Maximum fight criminals and corrupt elections. Before we must to vote for any of the candidates elected or to prevent the election by being in our room, but with the help of NOTA we can express our views for the candidate and his party. With the help of percentage NOTA his party will reconsider its selection of candidates. This also helps complete to join those people with system that never have faith in the system.
Key Point 16
Hello friends,In my opinion, the EVM NOTA option invokes voters to express their denial to the parties or candidates as a whole. Indeed, in its view, neither party deserves one to run effective and searched for efficient mechanisms for large and small problems.
Today, in the country of large population, unemployment and corruption They are the biggest problems. Everyone knows that most of the match Members are involved in corruption, which imparts negative impact on people. So NOTA think it's a good option to know the percentage of People who are dissatisfied with members of the current parties.
Key Point 17
In my opinion, NB should be an option in elections. It is the only way to express that people are dissatisfied with designated leaders. We should not compromise in selecting a leader because it is our future.------
Key Point 18
In my opinion NOTA's choice for a voter to express their opinion about candidates. If you notice votes are magnification showing how candidates are inadequate for the job.-------
Key Point 19
According to the political culture of India where their is no clarity on the based candidate selection this right will be more effective. The voters can elect a candidate according to his work and his efforts not Based on its popularity.----------
Key Point 20
Hello everyone.In my opinion NOTA option should be necessary because as a country is developing corruption is also increasing simultaneously and most of the politicians are related to corruption, crimes. NOTA using option You can discard them and make the game think of any other the candidates that people can trust and accept. Also people who do has no idea about the parties, this option you can give feedback.