Should voters will receive a NOTA (none of the above) election ? - PART - 1

Points to remember before participating in this discussion:

Suppose that one member of a group of real discussion. Take the initiative to participate and contribute their thoughts. Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution. I think it's very logical on behalf of the Electoral Commission of honor India to introduce the concept of NOTA (none of the above). In a country as India is no more a secret that unethical illegal activities thrive its peak during election seasons. It is also the right of any Indian citizen to choose their elective choice of members to be impartial and by the power that is given by the Supreme Court of India. 
So if someone is not willing to choose for any candidate or does not like any of the candidates, who must walk NOTE. Because if not, the Votes can go in favor of any political party through various evokes tricks that people are unaware of. Although the media in India has contributed significantly to these rogues to shock election system worlds largest democracy, yet some rural areas remain

We discovered.

Key Point 1

Hello friends and in my opinion the addition of a NOTA to the machine EVM is a excellent effort added by the Election Commission of India, as it can create in the mind of the representative to develop your area of ​​interest and sought to problems, but also has a general idea of ​​how to analyze the response of voters to work.

Key Point 2

I do not agree with the case involving NOTA NOTA machine EVM can be like losing a government money if there is no result will be discovered. Whether it is may be possibilities as the candidates fight for a seat in particular may achieve equality of

may have high chance to win one of the candidates are those

representing a particular seat.


Key point 3

I totally agree with my fellow friends. NOTA is the best choice we can have in our political system. As we all know that ours is a democratic state country. People make the government. Previously there was no way of
express our criticism of the candidate. 
People used to sit at home instead of going to vote. We all know that It is our first and foremost to launch our duty, this is what we have studied so far. NOTA EVM option completes the word DEMOCRACY and makes more transparent than ever our political system.


Key point 4

NOTA is really a good choice to elect candidates who are contesting  in the election. Using NOTA You can show your viewpoint on the leader that you are not satisfy for their work and service. As the% of NOTA increase means not corrupt candidates has increased.


Key Point 5

NOTA certainly is the best choice only for those voters who are "Good inform all candidates standing and not satisfied with their promises and opinions. "But negative possibility is that. 

Sometimes voters do not know much about the candidates applying, so in that case, if voters directly "Clicking a NOTA" (just meet the vote conditions) to ignore the candidates standing (without thinking of his policies, ideas, opinion). So this could be a "big miss hit" to elect a right candidate.

Key point 6

Sorry NOTA think is bad choice by selecting any candidate shall apply to the election, because ours gives NOTA passive nature of democracy. We vote for our future. NOTA When selecting not give any active candidate who is eligible to expand our future dreams. Sad

NOTA but I really think is bad choice.


Key Point 7

I think this is the best option for those who do not want any of the candidate as their future leader. And also if the note numbers increased continuously, a question mark is created in our voting system

how people are being analyzed before giving ticket.


Key Point 8

Well, I agree with all friends notion NOTA. It's really good opportunity in this election commission in the people of India. Using NOTA button you can clear you are not interested in any candidate.

But here the question arises that if it was known to all peoples across the country including rural areas.

We know that the literacy rate in rural India is about only 55%.

And we are well aware of that at the time of the election a candidate

provides money, came as anything in order to get their votes. So at that time the person who has money know the character of the candidate, but he You can not do anything at that time.

Because this person a criminal get elected. So I think it has NOTA appeared a better option for people. Beside this we have to extend consciousness at every point of India so that it could succeed.


Key Point 9

NOTA, That's a good opportunity for voters to show no acceptance of the contestants, but political parties should realize how good are your competitors disagree with money, caste or next, etc.


Key Point 10

In my opinion NOTA is good indication for politicians. For this people indicate they are fit to rule. And his way of showing his dishonest politicians. NOTA If the percentage increases, to carry people they are unable to believe in them, so try to improve.!

S.Ganesh,MBA, Phd

HR , Group Discussion Team !

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