If tablets replace textbooks ?

Today's world is a world technologically savvy, where children are more informed about the latest gadgets and technology. Often, the elderly should consult children know about the various features of the mobile or tablet. The weather is changing and it is very important to analyze the ways in which education is delivered to primary school children. In a changing scenario, do you think tablets should take the place of textbooks in high school classes?

Yes Support

• If the tablets take the place of books for children do not have to carry large bags of different books.

• The current generation of children is more attracted towards technology and will learn things openly tables.

• The use of tablets will allow children from diverse backgrounds who stay updated with the latest technology.

• It will be fun to learn and get education on tablets. Children will not feel as if they are forced to study.

• The use of tablets is one of the effective ways to save the environment. There will be no need to cut the trees or opt for the printing of books.

Do Not

• Who said that tablets are an effective way to save the environment? Manufacturing a tablet using 79 gallons of water and produces 66 pounds of carbon dioxide.

• Technological devices should not be used for the long term. Adversely affect the health of people.

• Tablets are an expensive form of education that are not available to children of all sections.

• Parents are not tech-savvy, and they might find it really difficult to guide children in their studies.

• Books for loss or damage does not cost more, but if any tablet case is lost or damaged can be quite expensive for parents.


There is no doubt that the world is becoming more tech savvy and digital. It is not yet the right time to replace books for tablets. There will come a time when it will be possible when the tablets will become very cheap and parents will feel more comfortable with the new form of education. But today it can not be compulsory.

S.Ganesh,MBA, Phd

HR , Group Discussion Team !

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