Group Discussion FAQ - Part 3

If I feel strongly about an issue, should I voice my feelings?

It is important to be cool and emotionally objective in a GD. If you react emotionally you are likely to lose control over yourself during the group discussion. You have to be calm and logical, not emotional in a GD.

Can I use technical terms or jargon, which is clear to me, but not to the group?

If you have to use technical terms, please do not use abbreviations. After mentioning the term in full take time out to explain to the group what it means. It is quite likely that other participants of the group have a different academic background from you, and you should make sure you are all on a level playing field.

Do I begin my participation by requesting the group's permission to do so?

It is not likely that you will get a chance to ask for such permission. It may also go against you (as appearing weak on your part).

What is the right time to enter a GD to ensure that I am heard properly?

In any GD, there are crests and troughs during the discussion. The crest is when the noise level is at its peak. The trough is when there is almost total silence. Ideally, you should enter the GD during the trough period. But in competitive GDs, the crests occur more often and troughs may not occur at all. In such cases, you could identify the stages in the GD, where ideas dear to you are being discussed and enter the

Group Discussion FAQ - Part 2

Are the group members supposed to keep track of the time or will the panel keep track?

It would be good if you are conscious of the time, but not to the point of getting so distracted looking at your watch that you do not contribute to the discussion.

Are we allowed to carry a piece of paper during the GD for noting down important points?

Normally you are, but there may be instances when it is specifically forbidden to carry paper.

Is there any particular seating arrangement, which is favourable to the participants?

If participants are asked to sit in a circle or a semi circle, one position is as good as another. But if you are asked to sit on either side of a rectangular table, then choose a position as close to the centre as

Group Discussion FAQ - Part 1

What is the normal duration of a GD?

A GD is generally of 15-20 minutes duration.

How many panel members are there to evaluate?

There are usually 3-4 panel members to evaluate.

Is there time given for preparation after the topic is given and before starting the GD?

Usually some time (2-5 minutes) is given to collect one's thoughts, but there could be instances when this does not happen, so it is best not to bank on this.

Should I address the panel or the group members?

Don't ever make the mistake of addressing the panel members. The GD is between you and the other members, not the panel members. You must avoid even looking at the panel members while the

Additional marks may be given for starting or concluding the discussion

Points to Remember

Knowledge is strength. A candidate with good reading habits has more chances of success. In other words, sound knowledge on different topics like politics, finance, economy, science and technology is helpful.

Power to convince effectively is another quality that makes you stand out among others.

Clarity in speech and expression is yet another essential quality.

If you are not sure about the topic of discussion, it is better not to initiate. Lack of knowledge or wrong approach creates a bad impression. Instead, you might adopt the wait and watch attitude. Listen attentively to others, may be you would be able to come up with a point or two later.

How to Face Group Discussion

A group discussion consists of:

Communication Skills
Knowledge and ideas regarding a given subject
Capability to co-ordinate and lead
Exchange of thoughts
Addressing the group as a whole
Thorough preparations

Communication Skills

 The first aspect is one's power of expression. In a group discussion, a candidate has to talk effectively so that he is able to convince others. For convincing, one has to speak forcefully and at the same time create an impact by his knowledge of the subject. A candidate who is successful in holding the attention of the audience creates a positive impact.

It is necessary that you should be precise and clear. As a rule evaluators do not look for the wordage produced. Your knowledge on a given subject, your precision and clarity of thought are the things that are evaluated. Irrelevant talks lead you nowhere. You should speak as much as necessary, neither more nor less. Group discussions are not debating stages.

Ability to listen is also what evaluators judge. They look for your ability to react on what other participants say. Hence, it is necessary that you listen carefully to others and then react or proceed to add some more points. Your behavior in the group is also put to test to judge whether you are a loner or can work in a

Group Discussion Most Important Tips - Part 2

Types of Group Discussin

GDs can be topic-based or case-based.

Topic based Gds can be classified into three types :-

1. Factual Topics
2. Controversial Topics
3. Abstract Topics

Factual Topics:-

Factual topics are about practical things, which an ordinary person is aware of in his day-to-day life. Typically these are about socio-economic topics. These can be current, i.e. they may have been in the news lately, or could be unbound by time. A factual topic for discussion gives a candidate a chance to prove that he is aware of and sensitive to his environment.
E.g. The education policy of India, Tourism in India, State of the aged in the nation.

Controversial Topics:-

Controversial topics are the ones that are argumentative in nature. They are meant to generate controversy. In GDs where these topics are given for discussion, the noise level is usually high, there may be tempers flying. The idea behind giving a topic like this is to see how much maturity the candidate is displaying by keeping his temper in check, by rationally and logically arguing his point of view without getting personal and

Group Discussion Most Important Tips - Part 1

Group Discussion Most Important Tips - Part 1

A GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 15-20 minutes. Our Site brings you an elaborate section for GD as you had ever seen anywhere else.Some of the personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include

2013 GD topics - Group Discussion Topics

  • A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India
  •  Is Globalisation Really Necessary?
  •  What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?
  •  Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy
  •  Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture
  •  What India needs is a Dictatorship.
  •  With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour.
  • Kaun Banega Krorepati is less about knowledge but more about money and personality.
  • Beauty contests degrade womanhood
  • The rise of regional blocs threatens independent nations like India
  • Six billion and one bronze!
  • Is dependence on computers a good thing?

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