1.Chaos period. (1-2 minutes).
2.Generating ideas. (7-8 minutes).
3.Building on ideas. (5-6 minutes).
4.Conclusion. (rarely comes; ½ - 1 minutes)
Tip 1 #
Brushing up on your general awareness is a must. Being aware of current affairs and issues and happenings, which affect our lives, however remotely, shows a well-rounded personality. Interest in one's environment is an essential quality for a manager, as only when he is well informed about all the facets is he able to
take correct decisions. Make a habit of reading newspapers like TOI and Economic Times and general interest and business magazines like Frontline, Outlook and Business India.
Tip 2 #
Being aware of current happenings is not enough. One must also form opinions on those happenings and issues that arise. Think about what you feel about different issues, say, terrorism. Write down your thoughts. Ask yourself why you feel that way, what are the premises underlying your thoughts and beliefs. Also question whether your point of view is based on facts, or on opinions and hearsay.
Tip 3 #
The process of opinion formation is incomplete without getting inputs from others. Get into the habit of discussing issues with your friends and family. Hear multiple points of view. Listen, question and argue. Express your opinion. If you are proven wrong, accept it with good grace. Modify your opinions as you go along. This will help you clear your own thought process plus it will get you into the habit of discussion.
Tip 4 #
While discussing, learn to check your temper. Maybe you'll find others holding view which are abhorrent to you. But remember that they have a right to their opinions. Everyone does. Learn to respect their points of views even if you don't accept them. It shows maturity on your part. This will be a good training for controlling your emotions, which is of utmost importance in a GD.
Tip 5 #
Practice: Try and mobilize other people who are interested in GDs and simulate GDs. Get someone who has been through GDs before to observe it and give you feedback on your performance. It is better if the group consists of people who you don't know too well