Hard work or work smart - What is important ?

Work is important to do what leads to the next level of success. The most important question you should ask here is the kind of work that will be at this level: is the hard work and smart work.


- Working smart is really the need of the hour.
- Working smart saves a lot of time and make you more organized.
- Through intelligent work can achieve your goals faster.
- Make the smart work saves time for other things you might not get through hard work as exercise, spend time with family, etc.
- Work Smart brings a lot of recognition of the company and to grow in the industry that is.


- Hard work has a lot of time to do the right things.
- It's totally time and exhausting experience, because after doing a lot of work left you with less energy to do anything else.
- Hard work does not allow you to fully utilize your brain and pushes for a more physical work.
- Regarding the determination and persistence hard work is very important, but you can not accomplish much.
- Working hard is not enough, because you might not get the best result of a problem or situation.

I would conclude at the end that working smart is really important because it saves time and allows you to achieve your goals faster than hard work.

S.Ganesh,MBA, Phd

HR , Group Discussion Team !

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